Fanshawe students and parents why are you renting when this cost effective solution is simply a buy away. This condo is 2 blocks from Fanshawe. It would also make a great Western rental as it sits on a major bus route and the commute is 10-15 minutes. This is a great opportunity for someone to add a student rental to their portfolio or their investment scheme. The house has 3 bedrooms up and a bonus room in the basement. Maybe you are a first time home buyer and are tired of looking at the run down houses in the same price range. This condo is move in ready and you will be impressed with this unit as it is bright and cheerful with great choices of colours and finishes. It would make a great purchase for the new or growing family as it sits close to schools, shopping, community centre and restaurants. Check out those low condo fees and do the math to see that this is a good purchase as a family home, an investment opportunity or a live in and supplement the mortgage by renting out a room or two. Don't wait until August to try and find the right place near Fanshawe. The old adage is the best time to buy a place is today and this might be sage advice as it is available now. As a further incentive the seller is offering to pay the taxes and condo fees until September so you don't have to. Moving to London, then maybe the other incentive from the owner of $1000 for moving expenses may appeal to you. As you can see the owner is motivated so book your appointment today.